Saturday, 17 March 2018

Where are they now .....

picking up some of the story line threads ....

Angstrom Angstromsen had sailed back south to his home after his failed attempt take control of the northern kingdom of Oppland. Once back he set about gathering as many followers as he could, he'd had no news of his cousin Harald Orsted. The longboat had taken a beating in the voyage south and had been under repairs; now in the spring it had been re-floated and was being re-fitted; today he had come down to see the how things were going  - a new sail had been fitted and hoisted up .....


In the Northlands, Beornwulf the Bold and his lady Iliana were down by the coast; Boernwulf was gazing out over the sea - something was calling him home - all was settled in the Northlands - time to go back to Angleland ...


Meanwhile Sven Eriksen was sailing south with full crew (another lead for the treasure of the Whorled Cup perhaps ?)

1 comment:

tradgardmastare said...

A fantastic tale of the Northlands...