At Eigersund there is one longship; it is morning and the viking garrison has found that all the locals have gone; anticipating trouble look-outs keep an eye on the approaches.
Angstromsen and his party have made good progress with their journey and are in sight of Eigersund
As they move down to pass through an area of small lakes and bits of marsh, they find they are opposed by a few bowmen ....
Just as they clear the way on their left a band of Opplanders attack from the woods ....
A look-out in Eigersund has seen Angstromsen's standard in the distance and the men their are assembling to go to his aid ....
More trouble for Angstromsen another band of Opplanders has attacked his rear-guard ....
The rear-guard are cut down ....
The small group of vikings on the left are cut-off and surrounded .....
Angstromsen rallies the vikings to form a shield wall as some men come out from Eigersund ....
The men from Eigersund have joined Angstromsen and they start to fall-back, the Opplanders hesitate - not ready to charge again ....
As the vikings edge back nearer to Eigersund, another group of Opplanders arrive ....
The Opplanders move forward, trying to pick off as many vikings as they can with bow and sling shot...
Angstromsen makes for the longship.....
As the Opplanders enter Eigersund, the vikings are boarding the longship ...
Angstromsen watches as his men board the ship ....
The Opplanders mop up in the town and on the shore ....
The viking longship has pulled away and is heading out to sea..... Angstromsen is away safely ....