Sunday 31 May 2015

The allied army assembles ...

As Beornwulf watches the assembly of the allied army.....
Angstromsen's viking army continues its march up the Hessdalen valley ...

Thursday 28 May 2015

In the Hessdalen valley ....

Angstromsen and his viking army move up the Hessdalen valley
 They have been spotted by a couple of the knights of Krona,
 who ride off up the valley to warn Beornwulf of the approach of the enemy....

Monday 25 May 2015

Rjukan falls ....

continued from the previous post ....

The battering ram crunches into the main gate, which starts to give way. The defenders try to shore it up...
The attack on the pallisade commences ....
 The attackers move up men with axes to the main gate ....
 The attack on the pallisade is repulsed .....
 The main gate fails and the attackers are in but held back by the defenders
 The defenders are pushed back from the gate ....
 The defence crumbles as more of the attackers move in ....
Rjukan is now in the hands of Angstromsen

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Rjukan under attack ....

The viking usurper Angstrom Angstromsen has moved quickly and is launching an attack on Rjukan.


The defenders of Rjukan man the pallisade wall as the attackers come into view out of the forest ....
 Angstromsen watches the attack developing ...

The main attack will be on the gate of Rjukan, a battering ram on wheels is pulled forward at a pace

A party of men with improvised storming ladders move up ...
The attackers move in closer .....

to be continued ....

Saturday 9 May 2015

Beornwulf decides to assemble the army ....

Beornwulf  meets with the his commanders to decide their next course of action now the thaw is in full swing ....
He gives the order to assemble the army and move to block the Hessdalen valley, the only way into the northern hills of Oppland. From there they will try to get re-inforcements to the town of Rjukan a few miles from the entrance to the valley.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Wintertime ....

A week or so after the various contingents arrived in the northern hills of Oppland it started to snow; winter was setting in early.  The men were found places to stay in various villages and towns - they hunkered down. The land was soon covered in snow and ice
The winter was severe, men muttered that Niflheim was seeping into the land. Wolves were seen close to settlements....
but after a couple of months the thaw started - much to the relief of all...