Tuesday 27 March 2018

Building the great hall (2) ....

Sorting out the basic interior; not too cluttered has to work as a games piece as well (will consider latter whether to add roof support post detail).

basic raised areas on the side
 raised end for the lords chair ....
 doors shut on side, simple scribed card ...
 doors of main entrance open ....
 a quick sample interior shot checking on how it looks, with dressing will look better - might have to have some roof/beam detail to give height
 the basic roof cut ....
mulling over whether to have thatch or oak shingles - may go with the latter.


Springinsfeld said...

Looking good so far.... nice to see the Hinchliffe peasant checking things out.

tidders said...

I have a few of the Hinchcliffe medievals, nice figures