Saturday 18 September 2021

Halfdan and the Vikings ....

Halfdan after his failed attempt to kill Lady Hilda had been imprisoned. While Lord Wilfred prevaricated over the punishment for his son, Halfdan planned his escape ...


Early one morning Halfdan with assistance from a loyal supporter escaped from his room and made it over the pallisade; the supporter covering his escape was cut down by one of Lady Hilda's hearth-guard.  Halfdan ran full pace to the wood, with arrows whizzing past him - two of his friends were waiting there - they vanished into the woods... 

Within a couple of days, Halfdan and his men were raising funds, by stripping churches off their finery, the last church they raided was St Walpurga's at Charbury Minster.
The next day Halfdan met with some viking raiders at Nollerton, to buy their support ..... (with the promise of a bigger payoff and more plunder)


Meanwhile Thegn Rodor and his men were searching for the vikings ...
The news of Halfdan's treacherous agreement with the vikings reaches Lord Wilfred and Lady Hilda
Word is sent to the monks of Wuduceastre, outraged by the desecration of churches they send a party of armed monks join the forces assembling to deal with the threat posed by Halfdan..
Within a couple of days Lord Wilfred and Lady Hilda have mustered some of the local fyrd and with their hearth-guards set off to deal with the threat from Halfdan and the Vikings....