Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Sven Forkbeard ... a little trouble with some vikings ....

A viking raiding party has been seen in the area,  Sven Forkbeard has collected the local fyrd and some of his retainers and gone to investigate. Sven with two of his men have gone a bit ahead of the main body to stop and at the small settlement of Solvenden to ask if they have seen anything...


 Just as the locals say they haven't seen anything unusual, three vikings approach ... Sven and his men prepare for action....
 The lead viking attacks Sven...
 He doesn't fair well and goes down wounded...
 While Sven tries to finish off his opponent the others get into the fray ....
 Sven's opponent gets wounded again and is struggling to defend himself and get up of the other vikings is wounded and falls back, The viking with the long handled axe has the upper hand ....
 The combats continue ....
 Svens badly wounded opponent gets up and manages to move away, Sven lets him go and moves to assist his man fighting the viking axe man
 The viking axe man is wounded and falls back ....
 The vikings disengage, Sven and his men hold their ground ....
 Sven moves forward a few paces watching where the vikings were going, the rest of his retainers and the fyrd are approaching ....

 Sven and his men set out to follow the wounded vikings back to their raiding party ....


A quick little action with a small number of figures, using my initial version of  Simple Combat rules, developed from my Simple Swordplay rules for 17C.  Overall the little solo game worked out well. Time to look at my notes from the play-test of the rules, a few changes are needed (amongst which are some modifier additions which end up with a negative total - oops ! bad design 😉 )


Shaun said...

YAY! Always good to see your blog.

flashcove said...

I love small games! When you are happy with your revisions, please put your rules up again.