Sunday 20 January 2019

The flying boat ... (WIP - part 2)

A bit further along with the flying boat. I used the 'motion' & mast I had made and fitted them to a plastic boat hull; then made up some basic shaped wings and fitted these to the mast.
I need to do some work to make the wings better, then the whole model can be painted up.


Springinsfeld said...

That looks rather jolly so far... well done.

Paul´s Bods said...

That´s great

tradgardmastare said...

Splendid so far!

Fitz-Badger said...

Wow! That looks brilliant!

Did you go in on any of the kickstarters for the minis? Although, those may be too cartoonish to fit with your boat and other stuff; but the minis do capture the look of the original illustrations very well.