Sven and his men have sailed east for seven days and landed on the shores of a large island. They move inland.....
After moving through a marsh they come under fire from archers concealed in the rocks ahead...
as they move forward a pack of wolves attacks ....
they make short work of the wolves and the archers and attack a nearby farmstead
Meanwhile in the settlement of Odensvi, the alarm has been raised - the men have been roused and march up to protect the sanctuary
while others ensure the entrance is well defended...
The attack continues, but Sven's men are finding it hard work...
Sven has managed to get round the back and studies the place and the strength of its defence...
Reluctantly he orders his men to fall back; there are too many defenders and Sven feels that something about the place is wrong - almost like a trap; the flame in the sanctuary is a fiery red...
Sven and his men return to the ships, picking up a few things from the farmstead as they go ....