The vikings start their approach ...
The scaling ladders are getting into place, one viking hacks at the gate with his axe while the battering ram is brought up ...
The battering ram starts pounding the gate, while attackers try to get over the pallisade using the ladders ...
Some vikings are over the wall, Leofric the archer fights hard, holding off a viking axeman ...
As the fight to cross the pallisade goes on, the battering ram continues hammering at the gate ...More vikings are across the pallisade but the saxons are just holding them back ...
The gate gives way and the vikings pour in. Leofric the archer finally deals with his axeman opponent ..
With the vikings through the gate the resolve of the saxons falters, they fall back ....The saxons make a desperate stand, but they cannot beat back the ferocious vikings ...
The saxons are pushed back towards the harbour, where the civilians are getting onto the ships ...
One of the ships is away while the saxons fight to hold the vikings so as many can get into the last ship as possible ....
The second ship gets away, not before the vikings cut many brave saxons down. Leofric the archer fires some parting shots from the stern of the ship at the vikings on the jetty ..