Sunday, 27 March 2011

On the Isle of Sceapige (4) - The Search for the Book of Tanwold

Sven Eriksen and a group of men have left their camp and start south towards the forest ...
While a few men move to investigate a small homestead, the rest move into the forest
The saxons in the homestead put up a fight but are dispatched, except for a small boy who puts up a spirited fight (he is taken captive)...
One of the scouts has found a maiden in the forest (the daughter of the homesteaders), who knows where the hermit lives ...
One of the forward scouts is set on by a pack of wolves ...
The vikings continue through the woods, in the distance a saxon hunting party can be seen they are tracking a wild boar..
The scout continues his tussle with wolves, while the others move through the wood. It seems they have disturbed a giant (one of the last of the few Ny giants who remain), who has come out from his cave by the rocks to investigate ..
The giant decides he doesn't like the vikings, the saxon hunting party watch ..
Hearing the commotion behing him Sven Erikson takes some men to help fight the giant, the scout has beaten off the wolves  ..
Some of the vikings have found the hermit's island and are taking the boat across ..
They capture a visiting monk who is studying the Book of Tanwold ...
Sven Eriksen and his men finally kill the giant, the saxon hunting party fall back into the wood after seeing how many vikings there are  ....
The Vikings start their return to camp, captives and the book under close guard ...
There will many stories told around the camp fire this night, and to come, of their adventures in the woods.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Newly painted figs ..

Finished painting a few dark ages figures this week. A gathering of civilians (from various Foundry packs and a copuile of Irregular Miniatures)...
A few extra warriors (mostly from Foundry with a few mod's)

Sunday, 13 March 2011

On the Isle of Sceapige (3) - where is the cup ?

The vikings return from their foray into the forest and have brought a prisoner with them (it seems they had other things to do beside killing saxons). Sven Erikson questions the old crone his men brought back to camp
Crone: I foresaw your arrival you in the bones Eriskon viking - what seek you ?
Sven: I search for the treasure of the Whorled cup
Crone: hah, many leagues will you have to traverse and face stiff competition to attain your goal
Sven: Where is the cup old crone ?
Crone: I know not where, but now of something that points the way
Sven: well old hag ?
Crone: Go into the deep woods to the south, find the hermit and ask to see the book of  Tanwold,
there was a crackle in the air and a large puff of smoke - the old crone had vanished

Saturday, 12 March 2011

On the Isle of Sceapige (2) - Tussle in the Woods

The vikings make another foray, this time towards the centre of the island ...
The saxons are evacuating to the main settlement, taking as much livestock and food as they can; some of the mounted men move foward towards the forest ...
Some saxons lurk in the woods, shooting the occasional arrow ...
The viking are unperturbed and form up and respond to the threat ...
The main body of the vikings move forward to take the hill while the others move through the forest ..
A bit of  'to and fro' for both sides, but the vikings are doing better ...
The vikings take the hill and push the rest of the saxons out of the woods ...
The mounted saxons come to the aid of their beleaguered comrades...
After a hard fight the saxons withdraw, the vikings hold their ground - they have won this day ..

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Down among the dead men ...

Casualties now painted, I flocked the bases for better effect.