Thursday 24 October 2013

Sven Eriksen and the Golden Temple of the Norns - part 1

Sven Eriksen moves towards Golden Temple of the Norns, continuing his quest for the clues to the location of the 'Whorled Cup'....

The lookout on the rocky outcrop spots the vikings approaching  the village ...
 The vikings work their way slowly down the hill, seemingly in no hurry ....
 The lookout continues to sound the alarm, men are roused from the great hall and are coming outside ...
 All is quiet at the Golden Temple of the Norns...
 The vikings near the outskirts of the village
 meanwhile warriors assemble outside of the great hall..
 the vikings move slowly into the village and encounter resistance
 the warriors move forwards to take position on the rocky outcrop ....
 fighting continues in the village....
 the villagers appear to be doing well ...
 but not for long, they are outnumbered and outflanked and start to fall back to the rocky outcrop to join the warriors from the great hall....
 A viking beserker rushes the rocks, he is cut down by a mighty axe blow .....
Sven Eriksen pauses his men and sizes up the situation ....

to be continued .....


Paul O'G said...

Who was the Saxon hero who cut down that Berzerker? Clearly he is a man who deserves rewards!

Good to see Sven back in action and great to see all that lovely terrain and figs being used!

tradgardmastare said...

Game looking great there...

Mosstrooper said...

Glad to see them back in action

Sean said...

Great to see Sven again. Looking forward to the next chapter.