Backstory ...
After vikings had been sighted down the coast, Earl Wilfred mustered the local fyrd and marched off to intercept the threat. His wife Lady Hilda had been left in charge and he was sure she would be safe with her cousin Beornwulf the Bold and the female hearth guard to protect her.
They reached Swimbourne and could see the viking column heading their way....
Earl Wilfred and the fyrd move into position by the stream to the east of Swimbourne blocking the viking's route; they watch the approaching Vikings ...
The Vikings break out from their column of march .....and start to form up to attack ...their leader Torsten Sigardsen studies the opposition ...
The Saxon shield wall forms up, Earl Wilfred and his hearth guard behind in the centre to counter a break though; the left of the shield wall where the stream bends back is composed of armoured axe-men.
The vikings get into their attack formation ...
Sigardsen give the order, the horn is blown to start the advance...
the beserkers jump across the stream and pile straight into the Saxon centre.....
the bererkers make a dent in the Saxon shield wall...
The viking centre follows up ......
and the Saxon centre buckles but holds ....
The rest of the vikings charge in .....
The Saxon right flank is struggling to hold the vikings back ....
it finally fails and the survivors run away.....
the Saxon centre now falls apart as the vikings push forward .....
Earl Wilfrid, with his son Edwyn and the hearthguard fall back ....
The beserkers attack the hearth guard, one of them is cut down by the Edwyn and the others fall backThe Saxons are in full retreat covered by their hearth guard and a few groups of men left with fight in them....The Vikings do not pursue, they have pushed the Saxons out of the way of their line of march. They reform and continue on their way back to their ships ...